
Well, each recipe that makes it to the ScrummyWalks site is very special. This is not just a personal collection of favourite recipes. All the recipes that are posted on this site are either developed from scratch by myself or adapted and evolved from other food authors. Attributions are made appropriately and recipes are never, ever, simply “lifted” from other authors work or from other sites. Every single recipe has been tried and tested in my own kitchen and also by a panel of tasters- many of which are avid walkers.

snowy walk

It goes without saying that an essential criteria is that each recipe is a guideline for creating something absolutely Scrummy. However there are more criteria:

  1. Each recipe is designed to appeal to outdoor enthusiasts- many are robust, hardy snacks that are easy to transport en- route, some are for that well- earned reward to revitalise when you return, some are for sharing with outdoorsy friends and great for picnics. There are some recipes that use ingredients that you may find to forage on a walk and some that are specifically designed to entice and re- fuel reluctant children on a walk. There are even some recipes that your loyal pooch may enjoy!

woodland am

2. Ingredients are carefully chosen to blend and balance each other and to reflect seasonal produce.

beetroot bulbs

3. Methods are written in straightforward language and use simple cooking methods and equipment that the vast majority of us have in a normal home kitchen.

4. Each recipe is written with a hatred of washing up in mind. Don’t you just loathe recipes that require 12 different bowls and at the end you realise you only actually needed 2? Scrummy recipes are designed to minimise wasted washing up- you have better things to do.

5. Each Scrummy recipe is eeeeeeeeeeasy. OK, I can cook, I can bake BUT, I truly believe that the best food utilises a few good quality ingredients that compliment each other and do not need much doing to them. I often sing/ listen to music/ dance round the kitchen/ listen to my children’s music practice/ supervise homework at the same time as cooking 2 or 3 recipes. Unless you are superhuman, you are not going to be able to cook a Heston recipe like this. The best recipes, the recipes that are most shared, cooked over and over are the simple ones. The “Best Ever Flapjack” recipe is one that I make almost every few days. Once you know it, it can be thrown together in 5 minutes, even on the arrival of unexpected guests- almost while the kettle boils. They disappear almost as fast.

flspjscks in tin

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