Tag Archives: health

Louise Waterman’s Ultimate Carrot Cake

– Going out for tea or coffee seems to be the new “eating out”……………(?). In my opinion, every good tea or coffee shop should have 4 priorities as follows: 1. Lovely tea pots- preferably with hand- made cosies (I know … Continue reading

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Watermelon, Feta and Pumpkin Seed Summer Salad

– Here in the UK, we have had incredible weather recently. It really does feel like the South of France- endless wide skies that make your toes tingle with nostalgia. Weren’t summers always like this in the 80’s? Last week, … Continue reading

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Multi-Seed Loaf- Quick, Healthy And No Need to Knead!

– Don’t get me wrong, I am NOT Supermum and I’m not an organic guru. I do buy bread as well as make it. I just can’t seem to bring myself to actually like bought bread. I find making my … Continue reading

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