Tag Archives: dog- walking

Bramble Jelly

– There are still masses and masses of beautiful blackberries here, plump and nodding under the wonderful September sun. Our spotty dog, Mango adores them just as much as we do. On a walk, she will trot along the hedgerow … Continue reading

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Sultana and Tea Loaf Cake

– I am feeling guilty as I scoffed 2 large pieces of this today. I did have a superb long walk with Mango in the sunshine though. I took the above foxglove picture, then walked fast to try and earn … Continue reading

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Stop Thief!- A Cautionary Tale

– Those of you who have had a look round the ScrummyWalks blog site, will have noticed a recurring character. A rather small (for a Dalmation) but perfectly formed, spotty little dog called Mango (affectionately known as Mangotti Mangosteeny in … Continue reading

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For The Love of Jam and Chutney….

I adore making jams and chutneys. Nothing makes me feel more homely and content in what’s probably a rather sad, domestic, smug way. People are always impressed but the truth is, once you have made your first jam or chutney, … Continue reading

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Spiced Sticky Date and Walnut Loaf Cake

– If you love sticky toffee pudding then it is likely that you will love this. The walnuts give a fantastic texture (and they are great for you) as they contrast with the damp, but not cloying, satisfying centre of … Continue reading

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Wholemeal Shortbread

  I love shortbread  with (you’ve guessed) a cup of hot strong tea! There is something quintessentially British about it. There is no comparison between shop- bought and home-made, non whatsoever even if you buy the really expensive stuff. And … Continue reading

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