Tag Archives: dog

Blackberry and Apple Loaf Cake- Simple, Seasonal, Scrummy

– The blackberries are wonderful here at the moment. The non food photo’s above are from yesterdays lovely dog walk. A wonderful summers day with a blustery breeze. I cannot believe how many butterflies and bumblebees are about this year. … Continue reading

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Goats Cheese and Caramelised Red Onion Quiche- Perfect Picnics

– I adore quiche. Its so easy to make and so much more delicious that shop bought counterparts. I just don’t understand why more people don’t have a go. The filling options are endless but the classic combinations are the … Continue reading

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The Most Scrummy, Most Chocolatey, Naughtiest Chocolate Cookies EVER

– When you need a chocolate fix………. a dark, unadulterated, totally sinful, gloriously naughty chocolate fix, then this recipe hits the spot. Yes, they can be a walking snack for chocolate lovers but these cookies are so much more. They … Continue reading

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Louise Waterman’s Ultimate Carrot Cake

– Going out for tea or coffee seems to be the new “eating out”……………(?). In my opinion, every good tea or coffee shop should have 4 priorities as follows: 1. Lovely tea pots- preferably with hand- made cosies (I know … Continue reading

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Banoffee Pie- Squidgy, Scrummy and Thoroughly Naughty

– OK, this isn’t exactly a dessert that you can take as a snack on a walk. It won’t travel in a pocket. It won’t even travel well in a picnic hamper. So I stand accused of going off topic … Continue reading

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Watermelon, Feta and Pumpkin Seed Summer Salad

– Here in the UK, we have had incredible weather recently. It really does feel like the South of France- endless wide skies that make your toes tingle with nostalgia. Weren’t summers always like this in the 80’s? Last week, … Continue reading

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Luscious Lime Ice Cream

– “Lick a Luscious Lime Lolly” is probably a better tongue- twister than “Lick a Luscious Lime Ice Cream” but hey, its a title. I like it and I’m sticking to it. This easy recipe is perfect for the glorious … Continue reading

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Stop Thief!- A Cautionary Tale

– Those of you who have had a look round the ScrummyWalks blog site, will have noticed a recurring character. A rather small (for a Dalmation) but perfectly formed, spotty little dog called Mango (affectionately known as Mangotti Mangosteeny in … Continue reading

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Coffee, Ricotta and Rum Cake

– This sumptuous cake does benefit from the icing which makes it less suitable for transporting in a pocket for a walk! Fantastic mid- morning on your return though. The unusual combination of flavours blend together beautifully, almost delicately. There … Continue reading

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Is it Ready Yet Mum?- Testing For a Set

This is just a short technique post on how to test for a set for jams and marmalades. I will refer back to it in several of the recipes. Once you know how to do it (or if you already … Continue reading

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