Tag Archives: Dalmation

Mango’s First Birthday

This gallery contains 10 photos.

– This week has been a heady mix of holiday activities and Mango’s first Birthday. We cannot believe that our beloved Dalmation is apparently not a puppy any more. It doesn’t seem a second since we brought her home and … Continue reading

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Stop Thief!- A Cautionary Tale

– Those of you who have had a look round the ScrummyWalks blog site, will have noticed a recurring character. A rather small (for a Dalmation) but perfectly formed, spotty little dog called Mango (affectionately known as Mangotti Mangosteeny in … Continue reading

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Sterilisation………Jars, and Jam Equipment

Sterilising- this was the process that stopped me trying jam making for years. Stupid! Its so easy. You just need to force yourself to try it, get your own routine and stick to it. Firstly, apologies that the above pics … Continue reading

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