Tag Archives: chutney

Gooseberry And Cranberry/ Redcurrant Chutney

I do seem to be on a bit of a “chutney run”. That sounds very horrid. I recently posted a recipe for Blackberry Chutney which is obviously seasonal. At first glance, this recipe looks like an odd mixture of fruits, with … Continue reading

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Oatmeal Biscuits For Cheese- Just Add Cheese and Chutney!

– Sunday tea in our house is often “bits and bobs”. In other words, I have run out of culinary ideas and energy by this point in the weekend and the fridge is full of assorted delicious leftovers that don’t … Continue reading

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Blackberry Chutney- Autumn In A Jar

– As I may have mentioned once or twice before, I love the changing seasons. Jam and Chutney making is called “preserving” for several reasons. Obviously it is a natural way of keeping seasonal food edible for many months or … Continue reading

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Baked Scotch Eggs

– My daughter said that these should be called “Yummy, Baked NOT Fried, Non- Slip Scotch Eggs With Squishy Middles”. She is quite right but I did tell her I would have to  to swap the word “Yummy” for “Scrummy”. … Continue reading

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Tomato and Chilli Scrummy Chutney

– This recipe is an old one, passed down through my friends family and then kindly given to me. It makes excellent use of the last tomatoes on the vines or an allotment glut. I just make this whenever tomatoes … Continue reading

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Sterilisation………Jars, and Jam Equipment

Sterilising- this was the process that stopped me trying jam making for years. Stupid! Its so easy. You just need to force yourself to try it, get your own routine and stick to it. Firstly, apologies that the above pics … Continue reading

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For The Love of Jam and Chutney….

I adore making jams and chutneys. Nothing makes me feel more homely and content in what’s probably a rather sad, domestic, smug way. People are always impressed but the truth is, once you have made your first jam or chutney, … Continue reading

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