Tag Archives: British

Lemon and Poppy Seed Muffins

– This will add to my growing collection of posts extolling the virtues of and declaring my love for the humble lemon. My daughter loves all things lemon but she was highly suspicious of the speckled effect poppy seeds give. … Continue reading

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Mango’s First Birthday

This gallery contains 10 photos.

– This week has been a heady mix of holiday activities and Mango’s first Birthday. We cannot believe that our beloved Dalmation is apparently not a puppy any more. It doesn’t seem a second since we brought her home and … Continue reading

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Buttermilk Scones

– I have recently posted “Speedy Scones” and “Cheesy Scones”. I make no apology whatsoever for posting another scone recipe. I love them and have developed a slight obsession for cream teas. This has necessitated even longer walks for Mango … Continue reading

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Strawberry Jam- A Simple Family Favourite

– Everyone has their favourite jam. Even people who say they don’t like jam much (who?)- go on ask them, they still can tell you their favourite. Personally, my favourites are raspberry or blackcurrant, both of which I love on … Continue reading

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Gingernut Biscuits- Traditional, Easy and Nut Free!

– Ever since I was a child, I have loved Gingernut biscuits. They are nut free, I have no idea where the traditional name came from. I dip them in tea which is probably a disgusting habit but there you … Continue reading

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Speedy Scones

– This is the promised recipe for plain, super- speedy, super- scrummy scones. Some of my recipes are better when eaten several days after baking. However, these scones are best eaten the same day (the day after is fine but … Continue reading

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Raspberry Jam- Uncomplicated, Unassuming and Unashamedly Scrummy

– Raspberries are arguably one of the most beautiful of all fruits. They have such a distinctly fresh flavour that withstands cooking processes. Taste this jam in December, close your eyes and you will be transported back to hazy, butterfly … Continue reading

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Cream Tea in the Sunshine- I Have a Hard Job…………Honest

  Mango and I had wonderful, long walk exploring a new footpath. The sun was out and so were all the wild flowers in a proper, old fashioned, un- pesticided/ herbicided English hedgerow. A steep hill on the other side … Continue reading

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