Tag Archives: biscuits

Oatmeal Biscuits For Cheese- Just Add Cheese and Chutney!

– Sunday tea in our house is often “bits and bobs”. In other words, I have run out of culinary ideas and energy by this point in the weekend and the fridge is full of assorted delicious leftovers that don’t … Continue reading

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Apricot and Pecan Scrummies

– The morning breeze is whispering of autumn. I adore the change of seasons in the UK. The landscape completely changes and so does the food we eat. The evenings are drawing in and the spiders are EVERYWHERE! Living on … Continue reading

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The Most Scrummy, Most Chocolatey, Naughtiest Chocolate Cookies EVER

– When you need a chocolate fix………. a dark, unadulterated, totally sinful, gloriously naughty chocolate fix, then this recipe hits the spot. Yes, they can be a walking snack for chocolate lovers but these cookies are so much more. They … Continue reading

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Butter Biscuits- Any Shape You Like!

– For someone who cooks and bakes a lot, I would say I don’t have all that many gadgets or tools in my kitchen. So many of them seem to serve a single purpose and create unnecessary washing up. However, … Continue reading

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Cranberry, White Chocolate and Oatmeal Cookies

– Ever compared the ingredients list of shop bought biscuits to their home-made counterparts? Why does it take a list as long as my whole shopping list to make a simple oaty biscuit when we can make them with just … Continue reading

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Gingernut Biscuits- Traditional, Easy and Nut Free!

– Ever since I was a child, I have loved Gingernut biscuits. They are nut free, I have no idea where the traditional name came from. I dip them in tea which is probably a disgusting habit but there you … Continue reading

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