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Fused Glass Designs

We are bombarded with images every day with every advert, every blog page… much so that I believe that we filter out about 90%. We have to do this to allow our brains to function on our day to day tasks in a lightning speed culture. However, just occasionally something, whether it be a phrase or an image or sometimes just a smile, jumps out at us and demands our proper attention.

Earlier this week a friend shared a picture on facebook- actually it was the sheep one above. I love glass anyway as I have a hobby of jewellery making with glass and semi- precious stones (sadly I don’t make my own glass beads but would love to learn one day). I love the way glass makes colour so distinct. It somehow exaggerates shades and yet perversely this allows for subtlety in the colours used. But this little sheep picture led me to the gallery on the Fused Glass Designs website: and I wanted to share it with you here.

Lou Waterman, the artist behind Fused Glass Designs, is based in Guernsey and she says:

“I take my influences from the beautiful Guernsey scenery. Walking the many cliff paths provides plenty of inspiration for my glass pieces.”

Lou’s work is stocked by several shops in Guernsey but she also regularly ships to the UK and undertakes commission work.

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