Iced Lemon and Yoghurt Cake- Gone In An Instant!

I am having a little “run” on lemon recipes, I know. I make no apologies- we just love lemon in my family! Lemon posset, lemon curd (closely followed by Lime Ice- Cream), and now this gorgeous little number.

This cake is one of my sons favourites. The texture is unusual and very soft, courtesy of the Greek Yoghurt.

I originally adapted the recipe from “Mary Berry’s Ultimate Cake Book” but over time I have altered the proportions a little to include more lemon zest. I do like a lemon cake to be definitely lemony.

You know when you have made a recipe several times you put in short cuts that save on washing up and time? Or re- order the method steps to make it “flow”? Well, I try to write these into my recipes and have done so quite a bit with this one.

This is a super cake for the summer and interesting enough to take to a friends BBQ or to serve to guests. However, I also like it at Easter time when I decorate it with tiny white and yellow sugar flowers.


300g golden caster sugar

50g soft lightly salted butter

3 eggs separated

225g Greek yoghurt

grated zest of 1.5 large lemons

175g self raising flour

For the icing:

100g icing sugar

1.5 tbsp lemon juice

To decorate:

the grated zest of 0.5 lemons (this recipe requires 2 lemons in total) OR small yellow and white sugar flowers.


20cm cake tin with high- ish sides (not a sandwich tin), greased and lined with baking parchment.


Pre- heat the oven to 180C (160C Fan)/ Gas Mark 4


1. Whisk the egg whites until they reach the soft peak stage. Ensure that the bowl and mixers are perfectly clean and grease free or the egg whites will not whisk up properly.

2. In a seperate bowl, mix together the sugar, butter and egg yolks, using the electric mixer.

3. Add the yoghurt and lemon rind, followed by the flour, to the butter mixture and mix until smooth.

4. Into the same mixture as step 3, fold in the whisked egg whites, taking care to fold and not stir, to maintain the air pockets.

5. Turn the mixture into the prepared tin.

6. Bake in the centre of the oven for 1 hour until the cake is well risen and golden brown.

7. Turn out onto a cooling rack and allow to cool completely before icing.

8. To make the icing, add the lemon juice to the icing sugar in a small bowl. Mix with a metal spoon until you have a thickish paste. Spread over the cake and decorate with grated lemon zest or sugar flowers.

About scrummywalks

Ex- doctor of paediatrics now "stay- home mum" of 2 gorgeous children, married to my soul- mate. I love all things homey, crafty and creative. I am passionate about good food, and enjoying the countryside with our amazing Dalmation, Mango and writing about it! ScrummyWalks brings scrummy recipes especially for dog walkers, hikers, horse-riders and anyone looking for great tasting snacks to fuel their outdoor pursuits, whatever the weather.
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2 Responses to Iced Lemon and Yoghurt Cake- Gone In An Instant!

  1. cathy says:

    Made this as a treat for Coral, Graeme & kids to come home to from their holiday. Very lemony,moist and morish! Will be making again.

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