Emergency Chocolate Muffins

You may notice my posts getting a little shorter over the next few weeks. And a little less frequent (ie not the usual daily Monday to Saturday). As of last Friday, skooool is out! Hurrah for the holibobs! I have two high energy (nope, that would be THREE with Mango) whirlybeans to have fun with. Lots of food will be made, lots of cakes eaten and lots of recipes tried and shared. So business as usual but more hectic and two “helpers” sticking their fingers in the mixture and doing my bowl -licking for me. They are also my two harshest, most un-subtle critics.

These chocolate muffins have already “saved the day” this holiday. We call them “Emergency Muffins” for several reasons. Not least because they can be made in a jiffy when there are no snacks left in the house and you have (almost) zero time. They can be cobbled together with what I always have in my cupboard anyway. They have been my staunch “cease the whinging, this is NOT a long walk” ally for many moons. They are brilliant for the children to make themselves when they need occupying (or separating from each others stranglehold). And I am yet to meet a child who doesn’t like them. Actually that’s a lie, my friends eldest son doesn’t like chocolate……..but then that’s just weird. (I forgive him because he is cute….. and he loves my flapjacks).

We make a variety of sizes- my daughter loves the mini muffins that come out of the silicon mini muffin tray looking like “mushrooms”- she calls them “mushroom muffins”. I prefer the “small muffins” made in fairy cake cases and my husband likes “proper muffins” made in muffin cases. (Oh dear, that sounds like something from Goldilocks and The Three Bears!). Just remember to adjust the baking time for the size. On the note of “proper muffins”. I am not sure this recipe strictly qualifies. In a muffin mixture the wet and dry ingredients are mixed lightly so that the batter is still lumpy. These are more like “substantial cakes”. They are robust enough to pack into any picnic hamper/ rucksack until devoured.

This recipe makes 12 standard sized muffins.


125g  golden caster sugar

125g Stork margarine (or similar baking margarine or butter)

140g self raising flour

2 tbsp of good quality cocoa powder (unsweetened)- I use Green and Blacks usually

2 large eggs

2 tbsp milk

a couple of handfuls of chocolate chips (a mixture of plain, white and milk or whatever colour falls out of your cupboard at the time)


A mini muffin tray or muffin tray lined with cake cases.


Preheat your oven to 190C (170C Fan)/ Gas Mark 5.


1. Weigh and measure all the ingredients into one mixing bowl and mix with an electric mixer until the batter is smooth and  has lightened in colour.

2. Stir in the chocolate chips.

3. Spoon the mixture into the cases and bake in the centre of the oven for 10-12 minutes for the “mini muffins”; 15-20 minutes for the “small muffins” and 25 minutes for “proper muffins”.

After re- reading this post, I’m  thinking that I may have to change the name of these muffins to “Three Bears Muffins”?

About scrummywalks

Ex- doctor of paediatrics now "stay- home mum" of 2 gorgeous children, married to my soul- mate. I love all things homey, crafty and creative. I am passionate about good food, and enjoying the countryside with our amazing Dalmation, Mango and writing about it! ScrummyWalks brings scrummy recipes especially for dog walkers, hikers, horse-riders and anyone looking for great tasting snacks to fuel their outdoor pursuits, whatever the weather.
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  1. Pingback: Lemon and Poppy Seed Muffins | ScrummyWalks

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