Raisin, Honey and Oatmeal Muffins

Sometimes, just sometimes, I like to pretend to be healthier than I am- as much to myself as anyone else. On the surface, this could pretend to be a healthy cake so it does the job well. To be honest, it has some fantastic ingredients that have invaluable properties. It’s just a shame that the sugar and fat cannot be ignored. Ah, well, they are suberbly scrummy so the calories are not wasted.

They also perform the essential “Look Like a Domestic Goddess With Minimal Real Effort” role. Do you ever feel like a swan? To the casual observer, one may be seen to glide serenely along the surface with not a ripple to offend a relaxed eye. But under the glassy surface two enormous, shovel- like feet are paddling on turbo setting to achieve the illusion. This is what a friend told me she once felt like. I wish! I frequently answer the door with spaghetti in my hair. My furious paddling is on full view. This recipe could, for some, complete the swan illusion- late for the morning school run but all the family happily munching on a warm, “healthy” muffin for breakfast as you cruise through the school gates………oh to be a mummy like that………

Seriously, there could be worse snacks on the health front and this muffin makes a super stop- gap whether for breakfast, on a morning walk or for afternoon tea. Its a jolly good bake- and incredibly easy.

The mixture isn’t too attractive as you can see. However, Isn’t the rule of thumb for muffins- the worse the mixture looks, the lighter and more delicious they will be?

This recipe makes 12 modestly sized muffins.


220 g self raising flour

150 g dark soft brown sugar

75 g porridge oats and 2tbsp extra for sprinkling

2 tsp cinnamon

0.5 tsp bicarbonate of soda

180 mls natural yoghurt

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 large eggs

100 mls sunflower oil

220 g raisins

3.5 tbsp runny honey


12- hole muffin tin/ stoneware lined with muffin cases


Pre- heat the oven to 200C (180C Fan)/ Gas Mark 6


1. If the brown sugar has clumped together, blitz it briefly in a food processor.

2. Into a large mixing bowl, measure the dry ingredients: flour, sugar, porridge oats, bicarbonate of soda and cinnamon. Stir.

3. In a separate bowl or jug, beat together the wet ingredients: eggs, vanilla, yoghurt and oil.

4. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry along with the raisins. Stir as briefly as possible to combine the ingredients. Be careful not to over- mix as this will result in a tough muffin. A lumpy mixture is fine, just ensure that the dry flour is mixed in.

5. Divide the mixture into the muffin cases.

6. Bake in the centre of the oven for 15- 18 minutes. The tops should be slightly browned and springy to touch.

7. Just before removing the muffins from the oven, warm the honey a little in a small saucepan so that it is runny.

8. Remove the muffins from the oven and drizzle a little honey over each, ensuring that the top surface is all sticky. Sprinkle a little of the extra porridge oats onto eat muffin.

9. Remove the muffins from the tin and serve warm. Store any muffins that are not to be used immediately, in an airtight container after they have cooled completely.

Serving tip- for an extra- special treat at the weekend, serve these muffins for breakfast- warm with slightly salted good butter and (home-made) apricot jam- SCRUMMMMMMMMY.

About scrummywalks

Ex- doctor of paediatrics now "stay- home mum" of 2 gorgeous children, married to my soul- mate. I love all things homey, crafty and creative. I am passionate about good food, and enjoying the countryside with our amazing Dalmation, Mango and writing about it! ScrummyWalks brings scrummy recipes especially for dog walkers, hikers, horse-riders and anyone looking for great tasting snacks to fuel their outdoor pursuits, whatever the weather.
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2 Responses to Raisin, Honey and Oatmeal Muffins

  1. mydearbakes says:

    Oh my, this looks so delicious! =)

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